Is It Time to Get Dentures?

Dentures can be a good choice for many people, and not just those who are older and who have lost their teeth due to age, as dentures can take the place of rotted teeth and missing teeth. Dentures can restore your appearance and your smile and also help to keep your mouth and your entire jaw healthy overall. Note those who may be good candidates for dentures and why dentures can be beneficial versus any other tooth replacement option.

Shifting and loose teeth

When your teeth shift in your mouth or you notice that some teeth are very loose, this often signals bone loss in the jaw. When this happens, your jaw may not have enough strong, solid bone to hold a dental implant, which actually screws right into the jaw. Dentures may be your only option for replacing any lost teeth if this is the case.

Teeth also stimulate the jaws to help bones grow stronger, but once they begin to loosen, your dentist may find that they are no longer healthy and helpful to the jawbone in this way. Dentures can replace those loose teeth so that they stimulate the gums and the jawbone, keeping your mouth healthy.

Inflamed gums and gum disease

Inflamed gums, overly sensitive gums, receded gums, or diseased gums may not be able to hold a dental implant in place. A partial set of dentures or a bridge may also put too much pressure on one area of the gums so that they become even more inflamed and irritated over time. This can be especially true if you have rotted teeth, teeth with severe cavities, or any other condition of the teeth that may make your gum condition even worse. By extracting these teeth and replacing them with a full set of dentures, you can more easily protect the gums while not putting undue pressure on them and making gum disease or any gum condition even worse.

Nerve damage to teeth

If teeth have decayed to the point of reaching the pulp under the tooth surface, or have gone all the way to the tooth nerve itself, you may not be able to salvage those teeth. This decay can also cause gum sensitivity, as mentioned above, as well as severe pain in the teeth, especially when eating.

When this decay has affected several teeth, it may be best to simply extract those teeth and replace them with full dentures. This will ensure that tooth decay doesn't continue to spread and affect other teeth; this can also mean easier chewing and talking, without pain and discomfort.
