Symptoms of Gum Disease and Tips to Preventing It

Although most people are aware that oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy mouth, it is not uncommon to find that a significant number of individuals overlook engaging in healthy oral hygiene practices. Instead, they will typically engage in the bare minimum, which would be brushing their teeth once a day. Without proper oral hygiene, you become at risk of developing a host of oral problems. These oral diseases can stay asymptomatic for some time, but when the pain finally manifests, you will find that extensive damage has been done to your teeth and gums. One of the more common oral diseases people develop is gingivitis. It is essential to know how to spot the symptoms of gingivitis as well as prevent it since if this disease is left unchecked, it will eventually lead to periodontitis.

What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

Gingivitis comes about when plaque is left to accumulate on your teeth. As the plaque increases, tartar begins to develop and puts your teeth and gums at risk of a bacterial infection. Some of the symptoms of gingivitis that you should be wary of include the following:

  • Sensitive gums: if you are at risk of gingivitis, one of the first symptoms that you will notice is that your gums have started to appear red. In addition to this, they will also swell and feel tender to the touch.

  • Bleeding gums: If you keep noticing streaks of blood whenever you are brushing your teeth, you may want to consider seeing your family dentist so they can check for gingivitis. Blood streaks may be caused by vigorous tooth brushing, but if you find that you are consistently experiencing bleeding gums, it would be best to seek medical attention.

  • Your teeth are becoming loose: If you find that some of your teeth are wiggling yet they have not been subjected to any trauma, you should be wary of gum disease. It should be noted that periodontitis is a leading cause of tooth loss, so it would be prudent to have a dentist have a look at your teeth.

What are some of the preventative measures you can take?

  • Stop chewing tobacco or smoking, as one of the side effects of tobacco is oral problems such as teeth staining and gum disease.

  • Ensure that you floss your teeth on a daily basis as well as brush your teeth after every meal. Frequent oral care will keep the accumulation of plaque at bay, hence preventing the development of tartar.

  • See your dentist on a scheduled basis, as this will give them the chance to spot any oral problems you may have.
