4 Tips to Get Comfortable with New Dentures

Suffering from significant tooth loss can affect someone both physically and emotionally. Instead of living with the embarrassment and low self-confidence, many people opt to get dentures so they can restore their smiles. Unfortunately, with new dentures also come some discomfort, swelling and trouble eating or talking. Here are four tips to get comfortable with the new dental restorations.

Avoid Hard Foods

Although dentures will restore your smile and give you the ability to chew again, they don't have the same capabilities as natural teeth. After getting dentures, you should only eat easy to chew foods like fish, eggs, vegetables, yogurt, and bread. Stay away from chewy foods like meat and corn for a while but strive to have a balanced diet. Dentures also cause dry mouth so staying hydrated is essential if you want to feel comfortable and fresh all day long.

Clean them Regularly

During the first days after receiving dentures, you may be feeling sore and too uncomfortable to brush. Luckily, dentures can be removed so you can brush them using a soft denture brush and soak them overnight in water to let your gums breath. Be sure also to brush your gums, cheeks, and tongue every morning to remove plaque and bacteria that can cause bad breath and other dental issues.

Exercise the Mouth

Talking and eating the first few weeks after getting dentures feels awkward and difficult. The only way to get over that phase quickly is to exercise through reading out loud and talking a lot. You should also not avoid eating because of the discomfort. Instead, eat some soft foods and some chewing gum so you can exercise the jaw all day long until you get used to the restorations.

Have Routine Checkups

Any foreign substances in your mouth can be dangerous if proper care is not taken. It is imperative that you see your orthodontist regularly so they can examine the mouth and see if there are signs of infections or gum irritations. The orthodontist will also clean the teeth and gums if you were not doing it properly and advice on the proper ways to take care of the dentures. If the dentures keep moving while you talk or eat, it's important to tell the orthodontist so they can adjust the dentures or give you some adhesive to hold them tight in your mouth.

When it comes to using dentures, proper diet, hydration, and dental hygiene are crucial in ensuring your gums heal quickly. However, the secret lies in finding a good, experienced orthodontist who will design well-fitting restorations and offer proper care and advice after the treatment.

Contact a local orthodontics office for more information and assistance. 
