Four Benefits of Choosing Teeth Whitening Over Veneers to Fix Discoloured Teeth

Stains on the surface of the enamel can ruin dental aesthetics and lower one's self-confidence. Luckily, there are various dental treatments that target discolouration and enhance the appearance of the teeth. Teeth whitening and dental veneers are two popular options for fixing discoloured teeth. However, if you only need to remove stains on the teeth, you don't need to go for veneer treatment. Check out these four benefits of choosing teeth whitening over veneers to restore discoloured teeth.

Immediate treatment results

In-office teeth whitening is achievable with a single appointment. The dentist will clean your teeth to remove plaque and then apply the bleaching agent. The bleaching process is repeated multiple times to achieve your desired shade of white. Therefore, if you need whiter teeth immediately, you don't have to visit your dentist multiple times for treatment. Conversely, getting tooth veneers requires around three dental appointments, so the dentist can customise each prosthesis to ensure a perfect fit.

No damage to the enamel

During veneer treatment, the dentist shaves the enamel to allow the tooth to bond with the thin porcelain or ceramic shells. The enamel doesn't grow back; therefore, if you decide to remove veneers in the future, you will end up with weak enamel. You will be forced to replace the prostheses or get dental crowns to protect your teeth from chipping or cracking. Conversely, teeth whitening does not require any alteration to the enamel. The treatment preserves the structure and integrity of your natural teeth, saving you from future orthodontic treatment.

Reversible cosmetic procedure

As aforementioned, veneer treatment involves removing a part of the enamel. Therefore, the treatment is irreversible. You can remove veneers if they chip or crack, but you must get a new set to protect your enamel from damage. Conversely, teeth whitening is a reversible treatment. If you don't like the results, you can wait for your natural teeth to rebound to a shade darker than the one observed after treatment. You can even explore different shades of white with subsequent whitening procedures.

No oral hygiene issues

Veneers must properly bond with the enamel to work correctly. Small spaces between the prosthesis and enamel can trap food particles and attract harmful oral bacteria. Over time, you may experience dental issues such as bad breath, plaque and tooth decay. Teeth whitening does not give rise to any dental health issues. You only need to practice proper oral hygiene to prevent dental problems.

Teeth whitening is a fast and effective procedure for achieving whiter teeth. However, avoid at-home treatments, as they may fail to produce the desired results. Instead, visit a dentist for professional in-office teeth whitening.
