3 Common Causes Of Toothache

You experience toothache when a tooth's nerves become irritated. The nerves are contained in the soft part of the tooth underneath the enamel. This part is known as the soft pulp. When the nerves become irritated they signal to your brain that you are experiencing pain with the hope that the brain will then take action to end this pain. Toothache shouldn't be ignored, as it's a sign that something is wrong and often won't resolve without treatment. [Read More]

Dental Drill Dread: Don't Let Fear Of The Dental Drill Make Your Cavity Worse

Dentists don't routinely provide anaesthetic when drilling into a tooth to place a cavity. You might wonder what's the point of the actual drilling. Tooth decay has already created a hole in the tooth, so isn't it just a case of filling the hole? In fact, the decay has to be removed to stop it from spreading, so a dentist can't just fill a cavity without preparing the tooth. It's all quite simple. [Read More]