How to Protect Your Teeth and Avoid Damaging Them

While dental emergencies and gradual tooth decay can happen through no fault of your own, there are also many things you can do to protect your teeth from damage. Failing to protect your teeth properly can result in long-term injury, loss of a tooth, and the need for dental surgery. Note a few ways you can protect your teeth and avoid damage and even dental emergencies.


Never use anything but actual dental floss to pick at your teeth; even toothpicks can spear or jab the gums and cause cuts and bleeding. Chewing on a toothpick is also very dangerous; falling, bumping into someone, or coming to a quick stop in the car can mean severe cuts inside the mouth, and even cause you to swallow the toothpick, which can be very dangerous for your throat. Everyday items you might pick up and use to pick at teeth can also be harbouring lots of germs and bacteria that are also dangerous for your mouth and throat. Avoid using string, steak knives and other flatware, paper, or anything else other than dental floss when you need to clean your teeth.

Teeth are not tools

Never use your teeth to open anything or pry at anything, including bottles, tabs on cans, tape, or key rings. Not only can you easily chip or break a tooth, but this can also wear away the protective enamel of teeth. As said above, these items may also be full of germs and bacteria that could settle into the mouth and lead to gum infections, throat infections, and other such conditions. Bits of tape, paper, metal, and other materials could also break off the item you're trying to open and get lodged between teeth, causing cuts and damage and even needed a dentist to remove.

Avoid unhealthy products

If your teeth are very yellowed or discoloured, have them bleached or painted by a dentist. Avoid using harsh and unhealthy products you get from the pharmacy, as these can often wear away the enamel of the teeth. Some products might also dry out the tissue of the gums and this can cause them to shrink and pull away from the teeth, or allow bacteria and germs to settle inside the mouth. In turn, you might be more prone to gum disease and even oral infections. If you notice that your mouth feels especially dry and irritated after brushing, you might switch to a toothpaste meant for sensitive teeth, and ask your dentist for suggestions when it comes to mouthwashes and rinses and other such products.
