Why Buy Your Child a Musical Toothbrush?

Toothbrushing sessions can be stressful for both you and your child. It can take time to get them to the stage where they know how to brush their teeth correctly and accept that they need to do this twice a day.

If you're struggling with toothbrushing, then why not consider buying your child a musical toothbrush? How do these brushes work and what are the advantages of using one?

How Do Musical Toothbrushes Work? 

Musical toothbrushes play music when your child brushes their teeth. Typically, each song or piece of music lasts for two minutes.

While some brushes simply play one tune, others have extra features. For example, some toothbrushes offer a choice of music; some come with a spoken word setting where a voice guides actions during the designated brush time.

Some models also regulate volume. The music these brushes play decreases and increases in volume depending on the pressure your child applies to the brush when they use it.

Why Give Your Child a Musical Toothbrush?

Any child can enjoy the novelty of using a musical toothbrush. However, these products really come into their own for kids who have problems brushing their teeth.

Some children don't like having to clean their teeth twice a day. They may refuse to do it or may opt for a basic clean that isn't really that effective just to get out of the bathroom. You may have to monitor their brushing or even do some of it yourself, which causes stress on both sides.

If your child has these problems, then the novelty of using a musical toothbrush can be a useful distraction. They'll have more fun when they brush their teeth, which makes the whole experience more pleasant for them.

The timer on musical toothbrushes is also useful. If your child finds it hard to brush for the recommended two minutes at a time, then they get an instant timer. They know they have to brush for as long as the music plays to do the job right.

A brush with an audio guide also helps teach kids to clean all around their teeth. The voice prompts them to clean each area individually for the right amount of time. After a while, this will become second nature for them.

If your child has toothbrushing difficulties, talk to your dentist. They can recommend suitable brushes and can give you other tips on how to deal with the problem.
