Critical Facts About Teeth Whitening

It is difficult to ignore the surging popularity of teeth whitening procedures among Australians today. It can be attributed to marketing by brands through social media and celebrity endorsements. Moreover, teeth whitening products are readily available as DIY at-home kits. Regrettably, many people believe that teeth whitening is a straightforward procedure, but it is not the case. Instead, teeth whitening requires a careful approach for the best results. This article highlights critical facts about teeth whitening to help you make the right decisions.

Perfect White Teeth Are Rare

When you look at advertising media about whitening products, all you see are perfectly white teeth. While it is true that it is possible to achieve such results, it is not guaranteed. The reason is that teeth whitening products and procedures only remove stains. Therefore, if you have naturally yellow teeth, there is little that teeth whitening products can do. However, the fact that you cannot get perfectly white teeth does not mean that teeth whitening products do not work. With the right approach and advice from a professional dentist, you can benefit greatly even if the natural colour (genetics) on your teeth is yellowish.

Sensitivity Is Normal

If you do not have naturally sensitive teeth, whitening procedures feel different. The reason is that you should expect a little bit of sensitivity during and after the teeth whitening process. It can be a concern for first-timers since most believe that such sensitivity indicates a problem. However, sensitivity is common with teeth whitening products and procedures and should not be cause for worry. The sensitivity can be attributed to the temporary dehydration caused by a whitening product, exposing nerve endings to temperature fluctuations. Thus, dentists recommend post-whitening fluoride treatment to promote rehydration. The good news is that sensitivity does not last more than 48 hours after a whitening procedure.

Whiten Before Bed

For best results, dentists advise patients to whiten their teeth just before bed. Naturally, teeth have pores that make them act like sponges ready to absorb any staining food or beverage. Therefore, eating or drinking immediately after a teeth whitening procedure makes your pearly white susceptible to restaining. It negates your efforts and prolongs the teeth whitening treatment. However, if you whiten your teeth right before bed, they get a chance to rehydrate and remineralise, reducing the chances of restaining. However, do not place whitening trays over your teeth and lay in bed since you might fall asleep, which is the last thing you want to happen. To learn more about teeth whitening, contact a dentist.
