4 Tips to Get Comfortable with New Dentures

Suffering from significant tooth loss can affect someone both physically and emotionally. Instead of living with the embarrassment and low self-confidence, many people opt to get dentures so they can restore their smiles. Unfortunately, with new dentures also come some discomfort, swelling and trouble eating or talking. Here are four tips to get comfortable with the new dental restorations. Avoid Hard Foods Although dentures will restore your smile and give you the ability to chew again, they don't have the same capabilities as natural teeth. [Read More]

A Movie Date With Cavities: Why Drinking Soda at the Movies Causes Cavities

Are you planning to go catch the latest flick at your local cinema, perhaps with a date in tow? Perhaps you'll share a bucket of popcorn and a jumbo-sized soft drink together as you watch the movie. It's a long-held tradition, the movie date. However, as romantic as movie dates are, when you sip a soda throughout the movie, and share one, unlike you, your teeth are suffering. What tends to happen during a movie is that you sip the soft drink slowly. [Read More]

Caring for Your New Dental Implant: 3 Things You Need to Know

Once the area around your dental implant has healed, the metal abutment has been attached to its tip and the prosthetic tooth permanently fitted to the abutment, your smile is now complete, and it's as though the tooth was never missing. This natural look and the permanence of the method are arguably the key appeals of dental implants. Despite the fact that the end result has been designed for longevity, dental implants can require a small alteration to your dental hygiene habits. [Read More]

What Those Black Lines on Your Teeth Are and How to Get Rid of Them

Unless you go for a dental cleaning once every 6 months, you are likely to be the benefactor of some form of dental staining. One of the most worrying types of staining is known as "black line" staining. While not as damaging to your teeth as stains caused by accumulated tartar, this type of stain affects the quality of your smile, preventing you from smiling. But what is it? And is it a sign that something is wrong with a tooth? [Read More]